Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do you wonder why I love everything about you?

At this very moment, even as you read, you are getting at the root of the cause, rather than pursuing changes that provide only temporary relief from stress. Indeed, you are making changes that will last a lifetime. In all human beings every element operates in various degrees of conflict. Sometimes our emotions pull us in one direction our instincts washes us ashore while our intellect pulls us in another. Sometimes our desires try to lead us down a certain path but our fears won't allow us to follow. While you're growing up you're told what to do, how to do it, and when to have it done. You can't develop the psychological qualities required for self-assertion until you've become aware of, and busted through every mental block. Knowing the past sources of your current thoughts and feelings is important because thoughts and feelings lead to behavior, and behavior, in turn, leads to thoughts and feelings. All aspects of your self are connected. Whenever we approach a situation in which we feel uneasy or simply uncomfortable, our anxiety rises from the depths in the form of an inner voice. So, whenever you find yourself beginning to avoid a task that needs to be done, the situation calls for relax. That’s how I feel, like autumn. But waiting at an easy pace - the spring. Where are you now?


Unknown said...

Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!! (all thumbs up)

Lupe dy Cazaril said...


bloody sincere

in the eyes of any psychologist, your word turns to highball (whiskey&soda)
