Tuesday, July 24, 2007

stormy weather

Have you ever had a dream that you think is so real that when you wake up it takes a few minutes to convince yourself that it was only a dream? It is so easy through any period of turmoil or severe weather conditions, to believe that it will never end, and that the storm will not pass. Well, it does, and it will. Awareness and safety are key. When storm clouds gather on the horizon, it's not foolish to batten down the hatches, and prepare. Life is a sea of changes, and each one of us are sailors riding the waves. Like life, the sea may not be fair, but when damaged by the storm we can rebuild and heal. If we see fellow sailors in distress, we must reach out and cast a line; you never know when you may need the same. We may all sail our own individual ships, still, we are all part of the armada of souls, searching for a safe port. Yet, the normal folks are beginning to have a hard time distinguishing science fiction from real life - the fine line between both is starting to fade. Trouble always seems like "someone else's problem" until it arrives at our own front door. There are many things in life that we don't have control over, but our perception of them, we do. This perception affects our state of mind and in doing so, we choose whether to rejoice in the light, or lurk in the shadows. It never ceases to amaze me how two people can look at the same picture and come away with two totally opposite viewpoints of what their eyes have seen. Interpretation is incorporated into just about everything we encounter in life. The affects of these interpretations place us on an emotional scale where joy and freedom sits at the top, and fear and despair reigns at the bottom. Whether we choose it or not, we accept a belief system to live by. The learning of life is the ultimate art. So many express it in so many ways. The imperfections of Humanity may not be expected to get it totally right, but they are expected to try. Each generation is expected to become better than the previous. We are supposed to perch on the shoulders of those who came before, until one day we can see the clouds of heaven. There can be no art, if we are not learning, and there can be no learning, if we have no art. Through stormy weather, just when we feel lost, out of the dark cuts the beams of light from the lighthouse - rays of hope, that can bring us to shore. No matter how dark the day, rest assured, there is always the light that says we are never alone.

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